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Greetings from the Doctor Who: Legacy team!

We hope you enjoyed our new content over the weekend based on Before The Flood --- and this Sunday, the adventure continues with The Girl Who Died!

And that's not all!  We've had countless people request Missy as an ally.  Which she clearly ... well ... isn't.  BUT, thanks to our recent ability to pre-fab teams that you can use but not keep for use outside the level, we've done the unthinkable!

Missy will be joining you on a special Fan Area adventure as we revisit The Witch's Familiar!  Your reward for completing the level is a new drop - Fan Area Sonic Sunglasses!

Last night, we patched as usual to change the drop (the new costume for Twelfth pictured on the right) in the new level to 'rare' and added the drop to the store.

This coming Sunday night (7 pm pacific) you can expect our next S9 patch with The Girl Who Died. Just as with last week, you'll find two versions of the level - one for experienced players to use their own team, and one for newer players to use our pre-fab team.

The reward is a new ally from the episode!

Again, for the first 48 hours, the drop will be guaranteed and then it will change over to rare / show up in the store for purchase.

The patch will also include the new Missy level, "Frenemies 1: Missy".

And as always, the Fan Area "Experimental Relative Dimension" will get its weekly update and bonus experience will be in the Fan Area still and in Chapter 1. And more characters will get their Rank 6 upgrade option.



All packs of 6 or more time crystals are on sale for up to 25% off -- great time to stock up for those Rank 6 upgrades and new Season 9 drops!

Did you know there's also a 'random roll' options in the store?  Use 4 time crystals and get a random character or costume from the game.  Open the TARDIS door and see who comes out!

Purchasing a pack of 6 or more time crystals also unlocks the Fan Area, which massively helps support the continued expansion of the game! 

If you love the game and want us to keep growing and enhancing, it is critical that more of our players unlock the Fan Area.  

And the Fan Area rewards you handsomely:

  • 150% experience through to Christmas
  • Higher fragment drop rates and fragment farming levels
  • Guaranteed drops of exclusive allies and costumes including Fan Area exclusive Expert Ianto.
  • Over 3 dozen exclusive levels
  • Anna's Playground
  • Target practice.


Be sure to join us for our live weekly Twitch broadcast.  Join Adi, the Tiny Rebel Games team, the Posse, and even the occasional special guest!

You can find us every Thursday at www.twitch.tv/theadiposetv at 12 pm pacific (3 pm eastern) (8 pm UK).

Long Island Doctor Who

If you are in New York or able to get there, don't miss out on the LI Who event from November 13 - 15th.  Tiny Rebel sadly won't be able to attend this one BUT there will be promo codes both in the program and at certain panels.  Expect more details as we get closer!

Tiny Rebel Games


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